Thursday, May 16, 2013

Homeschool tip- Schedule

When scheduling your homeschool times you need to think about what works for you, does a strict time work with each lesson at certain times? Is it more of a whenever you feel like it thing?
Some families have it a set time each day, they may do religious studies at 8am, math at 9am, science at 9:45am etc..
Some children are "unschooled" which in a nutshell means parents don't tell their kids what they need, to me it feels wrong like its not "teaching" but a lot of families do it and it works for them, basically they wait for their children to either give signs or tell them what they want to learn about and then the parents and children figure out the answers together, some parents may be better at this and I just could not understand it completely, (ill do more research and get back to you on that one) but I went to a homeschool blog on a unschooling family and she was talking about how the teenager wanted to learn to build, they made a garage well then she goes on to tell about what they learned from the experience, well that's a good example of using life as a teacher but I was in total disgust when she says he learned how to add! Your probably thinking...adding? Did I read that right..YES you did, the teenage did not know how to add! That is why unschooling doesn't work for us.

Personally, our schedule is that we do 1-3 things in each subject 5 days per week, no certain times whenever the kids are ready and I am ready, usually after lunch we have a snack and get started, it helps with her autism to start out each session with the same..we start with computer time so anything we do on computer comes first then move on to science and spelling and take a break then finish up what needs to be done then its art & gym is last..

Our school week starts on Thursdays and ends on Mondays and it works for us..What works for you?

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